It is 2024 and the biomass industry is still running at full speed thanks to millions of government subsidies for ‘sustainable energy’, despite international resistance from society and science. What happened, how did it come to this and what can we expect from the new governments that have taken place in Brussels and The Hague.

The energy sector, including RWE, has announced its intention to (triple) double biomass production under the guise of BECCS: bioenergy combined with CO2 capture and storage (internationally called BECCS: Bio-Energy with Carbon Capture Storage ).

In this report, the Clean Air Committee provides an update and discusses the problem with politicians, nature groups and the energy sector, following the documentary WOODFEVER (Clean Air Committee, 2022 LINK). The first and second groups have put their heads above the parapet to keep biomass on the critical agenda, the latter continue to insist that we cannot do without biomass and BECCs to save the climate.

But is biomass plus BECCS the long-awaited climate solution or is it a continuation of the ecological drama unfolding in forests worldwide? Check it out here and let us know what you think:

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