Newsletter: Press Announcement, September 24th, 2024

ARNHEM | Thursday, September 26, 9:00 AM, an important trial will start in the Dutch courthouse of Arnhem, initiated by seven nature action groups(1) against the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature (LNV). They demand that the Code of Conduct for Forest Species Management be destroyed. The biggest objection concerns the clear-cutting as included in the Forest Strategy. The ministry has included clear-cutting as a forest management measure so that forest owners can start their management activities faster and on a larger scale. However, according to the nature action groups, clear-cutting causes great damage to forests and biodiversity.

  1. Natuurbelang Nederland Foundation, Leefmilieu Association, Clean Air Committee (Comité Schone Lucht), Mobilisation for the Environment, Foundation for the Preservation of the Schoorlse and Noord-Kennemerduinen Area, Nature Alert Netherlands Foundation, and Bird Protection Watch Foundation Noord-Veluwe.

More information | Contact for press & media:

Frits van Beusekom, Stichting Natuurbelang Nederland | +31 317 74 14 08

Fenna Swart, voorzitter Comité Schone Lucht | +31 (0)6 415 14 330.

The coming weeks will be exciting! Follow us, via our website and/or Twitter &  LinkedIn for the latest news and updates!

Get involved and support our work for clean air!

All these developments require action. Action through new information campaigns, manifestations, street actions in collaboration with science and concerned citizens, but also new legal procedures, such as those we have initiated against Vattenfall and RWE. We can only continue this work with your help!

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Thank you for your support and assistance,

Clean Air Committee Team