Help Clean Air Comitee - Join us!
Help us continue our work for clean nature and animal-friendly future! Donate for Clean Air.
We need you to continue our work!
Clean Air Committee is supported by people, not by governments, corporations or special interests. But we are fighting against the biggest companies you can imagine: multinationals, fossil fuel and energy industry and other big polluters that harm our air, water and environment.
The time to make your voice heard is not tomorrow but now. Join our movement for a clean, and more nature and animal-friendly future! Click here to support us.
The Clean Air Committee Foundation has ANBI status
Your gift is greatly appreciated! Thanks to donations we can take action. We are committed to clean air, forests and biodiversity, so that our children can also live on a livable earth. Do you also think Clean Air and a healthy living environment for people, animals and nature are important? Then you can donate here.
The Clean Air Committee Foundation has been designated as an ANBI by the Tax Authorities. The ANBI status has been granted with effect from January 1, 2023. You can verify our ANBI status on this page of the Tax Authorities. You then enter ‘Stichting Comité Schone Lucht’ in the top field and press the ‘Toon resultaten’ button. Then you will see our Foundation emerging.
Tax number or RSIN of Committee Clean Air: 860550783. This means that the Committee Clean Air Foundation does not have to pay gift and/or inheritance tax on the donations and inheritances received. In addition, donations to our Foundation are deductible. You can calculate your tax benefit with a simple tool here. Further information such as statutes and policy plan can be found here.
Thank you in advance!

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How can you contribute to the Clean Air Committee?
If you ask citizens what their individual influence is on the Climate, most will probably say: no or minimal influence. CSL would like to (continue to) play this pioneering role by giving citizens and young people in particular a voice. This allows the climate agenda to be influenced from below rather than by top-down political-industrial mechanisms. Precisely because Clean Air is difficult to manage and make imaginable in an action perspective, inspiring and mobilizing citizens based on a shared need/sense of urgency is crucial. By not only focusing on the problem, but also on the solutions, you can strengthen the voice of CSL and thus contribute to the realization of its goal: clean air for people, animals and nature.