Press releases
Breakthrough for Dutch forests and world first
Clear felling in Dutch forests definitively off the table Today it was announced that the Dutch forest lobby group Vereniging van Bos- en Natuurterreinbezithouders VBNE (Association of Forest and Nature... Lees meer →
Nature action groups win lawsuit against Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature | No Clearcutting as a forest management measure Press release 20 December 2024 ‘End to the... Lees meer →
Definitive end of Vattenfall biomass plant is good and bad news
Press release 16 October 2024 Clean Air Committee: Council of State must still rule on the nature permit The news that Vattenfall is stopping the construction of the largest biomass... Lees meer →
Protests in the Netherlands, Sweden, Germany and the UK against Vattenfall’s continued investments in high-carbon biomass plants
Press Release | April 29, 2024 29th April 2024 – Protests are taking place in the Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, and the UK coinciding with Vattenfall’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) against Vattenfall’s investments in... Lees meer →
Ministry officials secretly helped with new biomass subsidy Vattenfall | ‘This is going to cause hassle’
Despite a cabinet decision and ruling by the Council of State, which annulled the environmental permit last summer for the planned biomass power plant in Diemen NL, officials helped the... Lees meer →
RWE starts controversial permit process for biomass with BECCS Amer power plant
RWE, the largest energy company in the Netherlands, has started the procedure to convert its second coal-fired Amer power plant to 100% biomass combustion with CO2 capture and storage. Lees meer →
Urgent Call to Wopke Hoekstra/ COP28 with Letter & Art Action in Brussels
International Coalition Forest and Nature Action Groups are calling Hoekstra to order BRUSSELS | In the week preceding COP28 in Dubai, the international coalition of nature action groups (from the... Lees meer →
New summer sustainability campaign Vattenfall encounters protest in society
Energy company Vattenfall is launching a new international sustainability campaign this summer starring model, Hollywood actress and self-proclaimed 'eco-warrior' Cara Delevingne. Lees meer →
Urgent letter from international coalition of environmental organizations to the Dutch House of Representatives
A coalition of international environmental organisations, Dogwood Alliance (US), Natural Resources Defense Council (US), Save Estonia's Forests and Biofuelwatch (UK), in collaboration with the Dutch Clean Air Committee, have sent an urgent letter to Dutch members of parliament about the need to withdraw long-term biomass subsidies - in the run-up to the parliamentary roundtable on biomass as 15 June. Lees meer →
VattenFAIL: civil society groups in Sweden, Germany, Netherlands and Brussels call out Vattenfall’s investments in wood bioenergy and continued fossil fuels burning
26th April 2022 – Coinciding with Vattenfall’s AGM, banner protests against the company’s investment in and expansion of wood bioenergy have been held at the site of a proposed new biomass plant in Diemen, Netherlands, outside Vattenfall’s offices in Berlin and Brussels, and outside the company’s AGM itself, in Solna, Sweden. Lees meer →
NEW RESEARCH | Certify on paper without looking at the forest
Largest certification program (SBP) for logging does not meet Dutch sustainability criteria Lees meer →
Nightly Action against Biomass at Dutch Biomass Power Plant RWE
Light show with message to Brussels: ‘Biomass out of the EU Directive (RED)’... Lees meer →
International actions announced against biomass in Netherlands and Brussels
This evening, on Thursday evening September 1, two actions will be carried out simultaneously in the Netherlands and Germany at prominent locations by Comite Schone Lucht (NL) and ROBIN WOOD (GE). Lees meer →
Wake-up call for European Parliament by light show
Industry Committee called on to listen to science and society: No Burning biomass BRUSSELS | On Sunday night July 10, the Dutch Comité Schone Lucht called on the industry committee... Lees meer →
New report refutes sustainability claims from biomass industry
More than 40 biomass plants across Europe using stemwood for energy. EU| New report from Forest Defenders Alliance, an international coalition of environmental NGOs against biomass, demonstrates that many wood-burning... Lees meer →